Last week Julian went out of town to NY, so I was a single mom for a week. It's been fun and tiring at the same time. Tiring because work has been SO busy so the days that I go into work, I'm already completely exhausted when I come home. But I've enjoyed the alone time that I have with Cadence. Cadence has been a total Daddy's girl. She loves Daddy and always wants Daddy to hold her and would cry when he leaves the room. It was a little sad in the beginning, but I've gotten use to it. And it's kind of nice that she wants Julian to hold her all the time since she's getting bigger and heavier! This week though she's been acting like that towards me and it's kind of nice. :) Cady definitely missed Daddy though. The first day was fine. Then, as I suspected, she started to say "da da" a few times and point wondering where Daddy is. The rest of the week went well also. When Daddy came home, she was really happy!
So we finally checked out Hawthorn mall. The mall which a lot of moms have raved about being the most kid friendly mall. And they were right! They have a great enclosed play area where the kids have to take off their shoes. Right outside of the play area is this Gelato store. I haven't tried it yet, but looking forward to it the next time I go. The best part about the mall is the family bathroom. Everything is new and clean. There are separate little rooms for nursing mothers. There's an area that is just made for diaper changing. There are about 10 separate stations for changing, each with diaper wipe warmers and a sink. I'm probably not describing it too well, but it's nice!!! Some added perks to this mall is the food court! They have Sarku Japan which is the chicken teriyaki place where you can get double meat for .99 extra! :D