This year was Cadence's first official Halloween. We dressed her up as a ladybug.I think I was more excited than she was. For some reason, I think holidays can be so much fun for kids and I wanted to make this fun for Cadence. We got lucky because our next door neighbor is big on holiday decorations. So everytime we would drive home, she would get so excited because of all the glowing pumpkins on their house.
We didn't get as many trick or treaters this year. Maybe it was because we were outside because it was warm and some of the groups of kids passed our house. So we ended up with LOTS of leftover candy. We started with George and Benita's house. They gave out whole candybars! Cady basically took all her candy from them.

Later from across the street, Anna Maria ran over to give Cady her first award which was "Cutest Costume" award. She also gave Cady a big pumpkin to hold her candy in. They probably thought my little DOMO bag from Target was too little. I thought that was really nice of her though!!

One hour later, we pretty much made it to two other houses before it got dark. We later went to our church Fall festival where Cady got to play some games.

If you can't tell, my sister was a pumpkin for Halloween since she's pregnant. I thought that was a great idea!