We just got back from our trip to NY and I can say that at least I can call this one a vacation. Cady did very well on the flight to there. She fell asleep in the Ergo as we were boarding the plane and slept most of the way. We kept her out a little late the first two nights since we were staying in NJ and it was about an hour bus ride to and from Manhattan. But Cadence had a great time at Auntie Angela's place in NJ because of all the toys!! The minute we arrived, she started to play with everything and believe me there were a lot of toys there. :) I knew she wouldn't want to go to sleep. We ended up packing the playyard and checking it in so she can sleep in it. NOT! She ended up sleeping in between us on our bed and of course kicking me off. Let's just say I ended up sleeping on the crib mattress both nights in NJ. And of course she woke up a few times so you can imagine me and Julian got no sleep at all.
The weather turned out better than I expected. The internet said that it was suppose to rain all weekend so I was a little bummed. But we got only drizzle on Saturday and sunny, hot and humid on Sunday and Monday just a little cooler. But regardless, not much rain at all! Praise God!! Here's what we did...
Saturday - Central Park (all day), then Zara :), then Chinatown at night to pick up Joe's Shanghai for dinner.

Sunday - The United Nations building, Times Square, Rockefellar Center, Greenwich Village. We ate at Pomme Frites which is this yummy fries place with a lot of different dipping sauces. As a fry lover, it was delicious!!!

Can you tell we teach Cady the proper way of sitting in the stroller....

Monday - Julian had to work, so I went with Cady to Soho. We actually took the subway. I found that a little easier than a cab because then I didn't have to collapse the stroller while holding Cady. We only stayed for there a little bit because I realized that I didn't bring any diapers for her. Darn! So we went back to the hotel then walked up and down 5th Ave and Madison Ave for like 4 hours. Good thing Cady was able to nap in the stroller. We later met up with Dou-Yih and family for dinner. After dinner, Cady was exhausted, so she ended up sleeping early of course in our bed. Since we had a king size bed, I wasn't forced to sleep on the floor at least.

On Tuesday - Our flight was at 3:30, so I decided to go back to Soho to see what I didn't get to see. I wish I had gone to Chinatown instead. The cheap and old side of me kicked in, so there wasn't anything I wanted to buy in Soho.

Our trip ended with a brutal 2 hours on the plane with Cady crying the entire time!! She's never done that. Nothing seemed to make her happy. If I took something away from her, she would cry and it just got worse. Thankfully it's only a 2 hour flight. We had to apologize to everyone around us. It had to have been the air pressure and the ears since she was just getting over a cold. poor cady... I'll have to prepare better for our next trip which is in a few weeks to Austin Texas for a wedding.
Overall, our trip was great. NY has changed so much since the first time I've been there which was about 10 years ago. People are much friendly. The first time I went, nobody in the stores would say "hi" or "thankyou". Random people would hit your car if you barely crossed the crosswalk line. This time, I got tons of hello's, thankyou's and even a random guy asked if I needed help bringing Cady down into the subway. I thought that was really nice. Cady loved saying hi to everyone and making faces at them. She brought many smiles and laughs to everyone she looked at. It was one of the best parts of the trip. :) Maybe people were nice to me because I had a baby. :p